What is V-Ray, the rendering software architects, and 3d designers animators and product renderers chose alike? The rendering powerhouse is used to create 3D models, special effects, and graphic design. V-Ray has been the most sought-after program on the market. Although the software doesn’t retail for cheap, it has remained a popular choice for designers since its launch in 2007. This begs the question: what makes it so good?  


Before we get into the skinny of the V-Ray software and its advantages, let’s go through the role of rendering machines. Rendering machines like V-Ray generate the image from the 3D or 2D model.

To illustrate, imagine creating a clay sculpture. This clay sculpture acts as your 3D model. Now that you have your 3D model, you may want to share it with your coworkers right now. As you can’t bring your clay sculpture around, you take a picture with your camera. The picture of your clay sculpture is what you send to your boss or friends. The camera acts as your rendering machine.

Rendering machines and software essentially translate your model into a flat image. The latter can be printed and/or shared online—allowing you to get your ideas across. For industries that rely heavily on the software, it’s important they provide an accurate translation of their models. This is emphasized in architecture applications and design, where everything is up to scale.


3D rendering machines were already used in the late 90s and the early 2000s. Their applications are still the same for today: graphic design, architectural modeling, and special effects. Chaos Group, the company behind V-Ray, was a small 3D design and animation studio headquartered in Bulgaria.

In 1997, the group had to render atmospheric effects. Unsatisfied with the render plug-ins at the time, the group decided to create their own. Atmos Blender, the company’s in-house rendering engine, was created. Little did they know that would be the backbone for V-Ray, which was released to the public five years later.

Artist support was satisfactory in V-Ray’s early years. However, it wasn’t until 2008 that V-Ray gained attention in artist communities. It became a software to look out for. Without missing a beat, Chaos Group released an interactive version, V-Ray RT, and the much-anticipated V-Ray Maya. The rest, as they say, is history.

V-Ray continues to be a preferred choice within professional artist circles. It has been used to create special effects in films, simulate living conditions for architectural settings, and produce hyper-realistic images.


V-Ray admittedly isn’t the cheapest render software in the market. A lot of competitors claim to have similar features. Yet, there’s a reason why V-Ray is still the number one choice for designers and our go to when providing 3D Rendering Services . Here are ten of them—in no particular order.


A lot of rendering engines claim to provide high quality renders. But their output isn’t the same every time. V-Ray is different. It doesn’t provide a very good render sometimes or depending on the model and situation. It provides a good render every single time. For professionals that need to provide a high quality render every single time, V-Ray delivers.

Some render engines don’t work as well in PCs with lower settings. V-Ray continues to deliver by immediately providing previews. Users can scan the previews and get an idea of what effects or settings work or don’t. V-Ray rendering doesn’t require you to get the latest PC to produce something good. It works with what you have to give you the best render you can possibly get.


V-Ray is the gift that keeps on giving. For those in the architecture and interior design industries, V-Ray also has an item library. This allows designers to get the details perfectly. Knobs, levers, sliders, and check-boxes are only a few of the options to choose from.

Users can also manipulate the camera settings. This allows the software to be used for cinematic purposes. V-Ray renders can also be customized through material bump maps and texture, light source, and depth of field. This allows it to be a flexible software that can cater to every industry that requires 3D work. For the perfectionist that needs to have every parameter perfect, V-Ray hands you the controls.


It’s all smoke and mirrors in the entertainment industry. In the case of modern-day movies, it’s a lot of CGI. However, not all CGI are created equal. Multiple movies with computer-generated effects have not aged well—including the first film of the Harry Potter franchise!

There are some outliers to this. The 1993 film Jurassic Park combined extensive CGI with animatronics to create a film where it’s digital effects still hold very well. V-Ray may not have existed then, but that’s the kind of longevity you’d want your output to have.

In the right hands, VRay allows the creator to create renders that look like you could view them with your own eyes. The blur effects aren’t crazy, the way it handles light and shadow is excellent, and it provides real-world scales to ensure your outputs remain ground in reality. All these features never make the final output look fake or out of place. They complement each other and effectively bring one’s vision to life digitally.


V-Ray is still a render plugin. Like all rendering software, they can’t render without a model. V-Ray and its competitors sync with modeling software giants like Rhino, 3DS Max, and SketchUp. Unlike its competitors, V-Ray works seamlessly.

V-Ray doesn’t compete with your modeling software—it complements. This helps users to get a more intuitive grasp of the rendering software. V-Ray rendering, after a few warm-ups, meshes well with your modeling software. This allows it to bring your models to their fullest potential.

An example of this is the sync between V-Ray and Google SketchUp. Google SketchUp is known to be an introductory software for beginning 3D modeling artists. It’s not the most sophisticated software in the market, and outputs may not be the most realistic. They may even look outdated! However, V-Ray rendering changes that. With V-Ray’s wide array of material textures, lighting, and other options, the image produced is taken to a different level.

For those on a budget but want to level up to professional gear, you can keep your current modeling software and upgrade your rendering engine. If it’s V-Ray, it makes a huge difference.


V-Ray’s software is perfect for animating items. V-Ray pumps out animation frames quickly, making them easier to create. Animators and filmmakers are a few of V-Ray’s users. Big-budget films like Maleficent and Deadpool used V-Ray for their CGI. These are just a few projects that showcase V-Ray’s animation ability.

For those getting started, animations can be set up in SketchUp. V-Ray produces the frames necessary for the animation. The output is similar to using a rendering farm !


We’ve said it so many times already, but V-Ray renders so realistically. This is the main reason why people buy V-Ray. Realistic CGI is essential to create the perfect setting for movies or video games. Architecture and designers need to produce realistic models. These models double as marketing material for buildings that are to be erected, and for simulation on the efficiency of the design.

This is attainable by the extensive options we’ve mentioned earlier. V-Ray’s powerful tools help create the illusions to sustain movie magic or transport viewers to a different time and place.


V-Ray prides itself on the number of options it gives its users. An issue that most designers have in rendering their models is that their desired material isn’t available. V-Ray users don’t encounter the same problem. The rendering software provides an extensive amount of material and lighting options to the point it’s overwhelming.

This makes it a dream to work with, as there are numerous textures and finishes for one to mix and match. Want to combine wood and plastic in a product? Looking for something to contrast or complement a gravel walkway? V-Ray’s material library may just have it.


V-Ray isn’t the cheapest rendering software on the market, as stated earlier. However, you won’t have to buy another render engine once you do.

For those planning to use render engines for the long-haul, getting a good render engine from the start will save you a lot of time and money. No need for multiple trials with render engines that don’t work out! No need to go through a learning curve for each render engine you bump into! Like a good kitchen set, the right tools will last you a lifetime.

This kind of advice may not apply to everyone. 3D art hobbyists who are still trying this medium out may not find V-Ray a practical to choose first (because frankly, maybe you’ll use it once or twice and never touch again). But architecture and interior design students, aspiring animators may benefit from this tip.

Getting V-Ray early on allows one to know the ins and outs of the program. It also justifies the pricey initial cost. When people get a better grasp of V-Ray, they can learn how to use the software with their own personal style and work ethic. This helps users get an edge when applying for work, as their proficiency with the software helps to enhance and showcase their artistry and skill.

V-Ray is for everyone. From the newbie trying to give 3D modeling a shot to the professional needing realistic CGI, V-Ray has something in store.


V-ray is a lot of things: it’s consistent, produces realistic output, and does everything you’d want a CGI software to do. What else should one look for?

A factor to consider is speed. A lot of visual render engines can do similar work, but V-Ray lets you do all things faster. This helps save time, and in the corporate world, time is just as good as money.


As stated earlier, 3D modelers around the world use V-Ray. Because of this, there is a myriad of tutorials and forums available on the internet for the public to use. Newbies can learn how to navigate around the software or participate in a discussion for the appropriate 3D software for their needs. Professionals can also exchange tricks of the trade, or even show off a fancy project they’ve been working on.

Aside from tutorials, users post templates up. Some forum members are generous enough to share their resources. Additional textures and materials are uploaded in some forums. Others are even generous enough to share their trade secrets. The community functions like a family or a healthy relationship—there’s a lot of giving and taking.

The V-Ray community is dynamic and very much alive. The forums aren’t limited to the official one created by Chaos Group. There’s also one in Reddit, a discussion board in Quora, and a whole ton of others on the World Wide Web. There is a wealth of information regarding the software on the internet. All you have to do is click.


We’ve listed all the things we know about V-Ray and its advantages. There are so many more things you can add to the list, as the experience varies from one person to another. Ultimately, it’s down to one personal experience to another!

We’d love to hear about your personal experience with V-Ray. Let us know how you find V-Ray and what are your thoughts about it!