Using 3D Renders to Showcase Custom Furniture

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tags : 3D Rendering
categories: 3D Rendering , Product Rendering

I’m sure that most of the people who are reading this article are quite familiar with the way 3D model rendering is used throughout the advertising industry. 3D models are ubiquitously employed, for several reasons. One of the primary reasons is that it has great eye appeal and is cost-effective. As such, the use of 3D rendering has also become quite popular within the furniture industry, as well.

3D models of furniture are virtual representations of how a particular piece of furniture will appear once it is placed within an actual setting. Because of this, the furniture industry will take advantage of this technology in their marketing strategies. And for a custom piece of furniture, it serves to bring that design to life. This is a tremendous benefit to both furniture designers and customers, as well. So the question is, why would you want to employ a 3D rendering service for marketing your furniture designs? Here are some answers to that question.

The emerging use of 3D furniture rendering

Recently, 3D furniture rendering requests have grown exponentially. The reason for this is simple. Buyers who are paying a significant amount of money want to know exactly what a piece of furniture looks like without having to travel inconvenient distances. In addition, this is especially important to those who are spending a great deal of money to have their furniture custom-designed. Also, it’s easy to understand how a change in a 3D-rendered design is far easier than changing the actual materials of a furniture piece!

There is also the question of one’s competition within the furniture industry. To maximize your furniture business, it’s necessary to have a certain level of distinction between you and your competitors. Imagine competing with a furniture company that only uses cheap pricing as its major marketing advantage. Well, the best way to compete with something like that is to let your potential customers know you can offer them exactly what they want. In addition, you can show the custom furniture designs that you have in every conceivable location; from office settings to home locations. This can be accomplished either in your physical (with store computers) or an online store.

What do we mean by 3D custom furniture modelling?

When we talk about 3D custom furniture modelling, we’re describing a software-related process that can employ programs such as 3DMax or CAD (computer-aided drafting) software. The reason that this type of software is used is to create an image that is as close as possible to how we see an object in real life. This technology isn’t a fresh development, however it has evolved extensively over the past few years. Because of this, it has entered the market as an effective and viable means of advertising many products–especially custom furniture.

The many advantages of using 3D custom furniture rendering include the creation of any type of environment with virtual designing. For example, you may be in the market for a new piece of office furniture that needs to adhere to specific design elements. Or perhaps you have a new home that you wish to decorate with furniture that suits your personality. If the furniture doesn’t already exist, then how would you know what it will look like, once you’ve commissioned the design? These issues can be solved when you decide to work with a furniture company that employs 3D custom furniture rendering. 3D rendering eliminates the type of guesswork that is no longer necessary when ordering furniture – and customers now understand this advantage! This is especially true in the luxury furniture market.

What are the benefits of 3D furniture rendering for those who are marketing furniture? Many furniture manufacturers are already taking advantage of these services.

It’s easy to see some of the obvious benefits of using 3D custom furniture rendering. But there are other, less obvious benefits to be obtained, as well. For example, what about having the ability to produce an entire advertising “showroom” of a custom furniture design in different colours and materials? Imagine the expense that would be involved if you tried to do this physically.

By being able to portray your furniture line in various colours and materials, you stand a much better chance of having customers who will be confident that they have made the right selections. I’m sure that most furniture marketers have had customers who were unsure what colour or fabric would best suit their tastes. With 3D rendering, you can have an unsure customer look at realistic samples and make their selections on what they can see, rather than what they can only imagine.

3D rendering can also allow a store to make certain economic projections involving the popularity of what customers are most interested in. Say, for example, you discover that certain types of material are currently far more popular within a specific home bedroom design. In response to this, you can market a variety of bedroom furniture using that type of material and then analyze the results. Being able to pinpoint aspects of current market popularity can prove very profitable in the long run.

Various 3D furniture rendering benefits

Saving both time and money–Why create an entire stock of furniture pieces that may or may not sell? In addition, imagine the savings you can amass by eliminating the need for professional photo shoots and studio rentals. With 3D capability, you can create items that your customers want, rather than spending time and money involved with guesswork.

Increase your availability portfolio–Of course, to remain competitive, you need to have a catalogue that features many items. With 3D custom furniture rendering, you can create many interior scenes that are furnished with an entire suite of your custom furniture creations. This way, you can inspire your customers to select an entire room of matching furniture or perhaps decide on a high-end material for their furniture purchase. This form of marketing can also be highly effective when you duplicate their actual current (or future) home living spaces you can then fill with 3D virtual furniture that you can create.

Advantages in creating your custom furniture–When you display your customer's furniture using 3D, you have the advantage of being able to manufacture your furniture to the specific dimensions that a customer requires. This can be done by solely changing the dimensions of your 3D images before the actual manufacturing process. Therefore, your customer will determine the actual custom product creation that you spend time and money on.

Adhering to potentially lucrative client requirements–You may encounter companies and corporations that require large numbers of customer furniture items that fit their particular spaces. This is quite common when certain companies need to appeal to a certain type of clientele. This is also a common scenario in the hospital/healthcare industry. Manufacturing furniture on the chance that it will fit the bill is a risky and costly procedure to take. With 3D rendering, you will accommodate any type of client niche by merely making adjustments in your furniture rendering. Securing these types of customer contracts can present a huge economic boost to your bottom line.

Choosing the right 3D furniture rendering services for your company

For showcasing your custom furniture products there are several options that you may choose from while building a prominent brand name. For example, you may choose to display your furniture pieces against a white-space background - for more information on this view our product rendering page. This will provide the customer with a good idea as to the dimensions of the furniture. Or you can present your custom furniture in a particular setting.

If you are an Interior Decorator, you can use 3D modelling to duplicate a client’s home. This will allow that customer to “walk” through their living area while observing just how their new custom furniture will look in their environment. Of course, this allows for any changes in colour, materials and dimensions as desired. Decorators have seen this type of display marketing to have no equal for appealing to those who are in the process of decorating their homes. This approach may be considered ‘cutting edge’ for now–but will eventually become the industry standard. The best part is that it isn’t all that expensive to employ, especially when considering the return on investment.

For those who wish to market a particular product line, 3D rendering makes it easy to create a “complete environment” through the addition of surrounding items. Rather than just having a piece of furniture illustrated by itself, you can add; potted plants, coffee tables, carpeting and other additions. This will give your products a more tangible feel in their actual appearance in a home or corporate environment.

When you add up factors such as; cost effectiveness, brand building and flexibility, no other technology can be as beneficial to furniture presentations as utilizing 3D renders for your custom furniture marketing.

Discover Top-tier 3D Rendering Services

At RealSpace 3D, we prioritize transparency, empowering you to make informed choices when selecting a 3D rendering partner. Recognizing diverse needs in budgets, timelines, and quality. Our commitment to quality and affordability is unwavering. Connect with us for your upcoming projects by reaching out.

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